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Monday, June 28, 2010

Reports of the Demise of the Union are Greatly Exaggerated

I have very little respect for people taking quotes out of context and mixing references – to suit an agenda. Thomas Jefferson warned us about the power of banks/financiers of that time (but the 'good old boy' system IS alive and well all over the world, unfortunately) –mixed with other more recent quotes about the Federal Reserve which was created about 100 years later to take power away from the individual banks – to a more standardized system (as if centralized anything is better – it’s just easier to police) do not combine to illuminate anything.  For more info about the Fed read - .   It isn't and was never meant to be unsupervised by Congress. In fact, it is when corrupt politicians interfere with 'equilibrium' by telling it to print more money (so they can get re-elected) and extend more credit (to those unable to repay in order to buy more votes) that the system collapses. This interference of loopholes laid the groundwork for the greedy to prey on the vulnerable with the government's tacit approval.

Both the politicians and the greedy must be exposed and punished which is only possible in a free nation of empowered people. Empowered people are educated, self-reliant, moral, and courageous. Government is not 'their daddy.' Some people look and see the capitalist system as the boogey-man which can only be stopped by more laws and regulation. I look and see the breakdown of morality as the culprit - it is part of the same thing that brought down the Roman Empire (the super power of its time). 'Truth' has become only a version of spin by politicians or media 'talking heads' or simply ignored if the truth is inconvenient. There is no right or wrong - it's all become relative. We cry because we want people to behave morally or ethically but by whose definition? We don't want to be hindered by Christian morality anymore (that was the foundation of our prosperity) - it may interfere with our selfish desires and laziness which is being masked by people crying about their right to “the pursuit of happiness.” But happiness for these people means someone else working and paying for them (welfare, food stamps, Social Security Disability, etc.) while they play all day. Do you remember Aesop’s Fable of the ant and the grasshopper? – These people (not the truly handicapped) have earned the right to starve – as businesses have the right to fail.

People are naturally selfish (anyone who says differently, has never raised children) – they must be trained to abide by a code of honor based on a clearly defined sense of right and wrong. However, even the most well trained sometimes succumb to corruption from the excess of money and power – which often leads to greed and debauchery – unless they are people of unshakable moral character which only comes from a belief in being accountable to God.

I also see our nation's deterioration resulting from an untrustworthy government which in turn breeds a nation that does not believe in itself anymore and national pride is scorned - where even our current President apologizes for our being a successful super power around the world (though the whole world cries when they need our help). Read The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire. We cannot go back and (as a nation) return to a simpler agrarian lifestyle, we are too many.

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